Welcome to FieldFinder
FieldFinder.com is the online source of information about facilities and events in non-professional team sports. Players and their parents, as well as team coaches and managers will all find information of value here.
No matter how you access the web, FieldFinder has you covered.
FieldFinder provides a number of features for the use of both public and registered users. All site users can search our database of fields and tournaments to quickly acquire useful information about sporting venues and events. Registered users gain access to additional information about many fields, and can enter the "Coaches Corner," where other sport-related information, files and videos can be seen. Additionally, registered users can submit information about fields and tournaments in their areas for potential inclusion in the FieldFinder database.
Inside the "Coaches Corner", team coaches can register to gain access to powerful publication tools for their team(s). Registered coaches can then create teams, create accounts for the players on their teams, and post information that is exclusively available to team members and their parents.